August 27

If you’re looking for a break from reading about how everything’s changing in the restaurant industry, you’re in luck. One thing that hasn’t changed is the way we clean, sanitize and disinfect everything around us. It’s at the heart of food safety; something we’ve been championing and evangelizing for over 3 decades. 

One thing that has changed is now your guests want to know that you know. That brings us to this year’s National Food Safety Month theme: Know Safe & Show Safe. It’s more than a theme; it’s a mantra that should feel second nature to all restaurant and foodservice workers during food safety month and beyond.   

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Your guests are looking for a dining experience where they can leave their worries behind and let your food and service transport them to a joyous place. It’s a mindset that may be hard for some guests to get back into at first, but you can help get them back to that magical mindset by showing them that their safety is top priority. Conspicuous cleanliness. Show them you care by showing them you clean, you sanitize and you disinfect properly. When it needs to happen, where it needs to happen and how it’s done.  




Cleaning→ Removes food and dirt from a surface 

Sanitizing→ Reduces pathogens (bacteria, for example) on surfaces to safe levels 

Disinfecting→ Removes all microorganisms from a surface 



All food-contact surfaces need to be cleaned and sanitized at these times: 

→ When switching to a different food (e.g., tenderizing raw chicken to chopping lettuce) 

→ After use 

→ After handling different raw Temperature Control for Safety (TCS) fruits and vegetables (e.g., between cutting melons  and leafy greens)  

→ Any time there is an interruption during a task  

→ After four hours if items are in constant use  

Learn more about tools and tips for cleaning & sanitizing from Tork



Cleaning and Sanitizing Surfaces 

1. Scrape or remove food bits from the surface. Use the correct cleaning tool, such as a nylon brush or pad, or a cloth towel. 

2. Wash the surface. Prepare the cleaning solution with an approved cleaner. Wash the surface with the correct cleaning tool, such as a cloth towel. 

3. Rinse the surface. 

    Use clean water.  

    Rinse the surface with the correct cleaning tool, such as a cloth towel. 

4. Sanitize the surface. Use the correct sanitizing solution. 


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